A friend in high school thought it was funny that my name rhymed like this, I made it the title of my blog then and have yet to see a reason to change it.

November 03, 2008

General Housekeeping

I have finally decided the fate of this blog, for a while I was considering ending it since I'm not shooting as much anymore and was failing to update but I like the idea of having a web presence and I've always meant to write more and this would be a great outlet for that. So in the hopes that I will keep up with posting, I've decided to register a new professional blog for me to have my web content in a centralized location that I can show possible employers and I've also decided to use this as a more personal blog for me to post my thoughts along with videos and photos.

Hopefully, I'll register a domain name soon and get my first writings up. I'm going to start with some observations about Little Big Planet and maybe some brief midseason evaluations of the shows I'm watching.

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