Top 10 of 2k10: Movies
2010 was kind of a weird year for movies, generally it felt like there weren't that many great movies released this year. It seems like all the best movies came out at the end of the year, but even so some of my favorite movies were released this year. Anyway, on to the list:
To be honest I haven't seen Black Swan, I'm not sure if I will. I don't really like scary movies, not that this is a scary movie, but from what I've heard I won't be able to stomach certain aspects of this film. But my own issues aside, I've hear this is an amazing film so I've made the 10 spot an acknowledgement spot of sorts. This list might be totally different if I actually got around to seeing: Black Swan, Exit through the Gift Shop, A Prophet, or The Fighter.
9. Jackass3D
So yeah, this movie isn't going to win any awards....probably. But If I go to a movie thats two hours long and I don't do anything other than laugh for those two hours, I say thats a great comedy. Also, this had to be the most interesting use of 3D since Avatar, and how often do you get to mention James Cameron and Johnny Knoxville in the same sentence?
8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Like the books, the Harry Potter movies have gotten better as the series progresses. As good as this half of the Deathly Hallows is it really just sets up the second half to be EPIC.
7. The Kids Are All Right
I don't know how, but The Kids Are All Right is the only indie film on my'd that happen? This is a great film if only for the way in which it depicts women on the big screen. Not that that's all there is to this film; it's well acted, we written, and beautifully produced. Did I mention it's also pretty funny when it's not being overly sentimental.
6. Toy Story 3
Hey look, its a bunch of toys coming to terms with adulthood. I can relate to that.
5. Shutter Island
I'm still not sure that this actually came out in 2010, but wikipedia says it came out in February 2010. Anyway, how many films can Leonardo DiCaprio put out in a year that leaves you questioning the films ending? Two, apparently.

One of my favorite comics adapted by Edgar Wright (one of my favorite directors) and starring Michael Cera? Yes, please.
3. True Grit
I don't really like westerns, but this film one me over. Everyone in it is amazing at their roles and the Coen's direction is amazing as always.
2. The Social Network
1. Inception
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